Nishikei World


Nice to meet you. My name is Kei. I am Japanese. I am doing research on fortune-telling. I majored in organic chemistry in graduate school. I also like Japanese anime, manga and games. Especially I like Pokemon.

In this blog, I will write about fortune-telling and my daily life. I started this blog to study languages. If you find any mistakes, please let me know in the comments.


Nishikei (Keiichiro Nishida)

I have done divination in 20 countries around the world. I mainly use palmistry, feng shui and yin-yang divination. However, I use a variety of different divinations depending on the client’s concerns.

Divination with Japanese traditional Card (Hanafuda)

I have written a book on Hanafuda(Flower card) divination, available on Kindle.

Hanafuda Fortune-telling Basic

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